GWG’s Jen O’Hara Discusses California Gun Laws With CRPA’s Kevin Smalls

Jen O'Hara, An Avid Hunter
In a recent interview, Kevin Small of CRPA TV spoke with Jen O’Hara, the owner of GWG Clothing. The conversation covered a range of topics, including Jen’s upbringing as a small town farm girl, how she started her brand, and her advice for women and mothers like herself. As a certified NRA instructor, Jen emphasizes the importance of women conceal carrying and urges them to find someone who can help them become confident and capable of protecting themselves and their families. Additionally, Jen stresses the importance of teaching our youth how to safely handle firearms.
Watch the full interview on GwG’s Youtube.
CRPA - The California Rifle & Pistol Association

CRPA works tirelessly and relentlessly to defend the civil and constitutional rights of individuals to choose to responsibly own and use firearms.

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