Ladies Pheasant Hunt – Red Bank Outfitters – Red Bluff, CA


Ladies Pheasant Hunt


Thank you for your interest in joining us for our Ladies Pheasant Hunt at Red Bank Outfitters in Red Bluff, CA!


This will be a 1-day hunt and 1-night stay, with ladies arriving at 8 am on November 1, 2019.

We have a full day of fun scheduled for Friday including shooting clay’s, hunting, meals and wine and music after dinner.


Cost is $640 (discounted for this event only). **A $250 deposit is due by October 15th and the remainder is due at the hunt. Spots are limited to the first 10 women! This cost includes your meals for Friday and Saturday breakfast, Friday overnight stay.


The hunter is responsible for bringing their own steel shot (CA has a non-lead ammo only law) and tips (10% minimum requested) and any extras not included by Red Bank Outfitters.


All hunters will be offered a 50% discount on GWG® hunting gear prior to the hunt.
This hunt will be filmed and photographed for those wearing GWG gear.


Please fill out the form below and we will email you back asap with additional information.


*learn more about Red Bank Outfitters by visiting them at*

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