Laser Ammo: The Dry Fire Training System That Fits In Your Purse

originally published on the GWG® blog on June 5, 2015

We recently had the opportunity to test out the Laser Ammo® SureStrike™ L.A.S.R Range Kit with the .380 adapter. We were first drawn to Laser Ammo® due to their innovative technologies in the laser training field, and their possible applications for women new to the concealed carry & shooting sports world.

Like many companies in the firearms industry, we had often wished we had a built-in range in our GWG headquarters, so we could keep our skills sharp and avoid the time-consuming drive out to the range and back. We were excited to discover Laser Ammo®’s SureStrike™ Range Kit, a dry firing system, which bridged the gap between your basic range membership and a private, on-site gun range. At a cost of $290.00 for the complete kit (minus your personal firearm), the Range Kit is comparable to a yearly gun range membership, but with the added benefit of superior technology that can be personalized to your set-up and training goals. It is also customizable to a rifle or a shotgun, and multiple gauges or calibers.

Upon receiving the SureStrike™ L.A.S.R. Range Kit, we discovered that not only had we received the .380 adapter, but also included were adapters for both a 40S&W and 45ACP, as well as the standard 9mm cartridge. Packaged with the adapters, in a small carrying case perfect for fitting in a purse or range box, was the L.A.S.R. Pro Software that lets the user interface their personal computer and webcam with the laser targets to enhance your training goals, along with 2 battery packs and the UhrSecure Safety System™. The compact design of the Range Kit makes it an easy accessory to bring with you for personalized firearms training anywhere life may take you.

Our first test run occurred in our small office, with the SureStrike™ reflective target set on a bookshelf. Surprisingly, loading the laser cartridge was less complicated than we were expecting, and by simply turning the target base on, we were ready to go. After the first few test “rounds”, we found ourselves getting more comfortable in our typical shooting stance, and focusing on our breathing, just like we would at the range. The laser beam is very detailed and accurate, so this was not a case of “aim close and hit the target.”

Since our initial session, we have continued to use our SureStrike™ L.A.S.R. Range Kit in our kitchens, while out sitting on our back porches, and while traveling in our hotel rooms. The range kit has given us consistently accurate results, and added an invaluable training tool to our list of must-have gun gadgets. We feel that Laser Ammo® has changed the dry firing industry with their SureStrike™ technology. This range kit would be a great addition to any shooter’s armory, whether they be novice or advanced, and may help address the issue of women new to the sport feeling intimidated with their new firearm, or not having the appropriate connections to a range. By allowing them to get comfortable with their gun, and to practice from the comfort of their own home, Laser Ammo® is empowering new shooters with technology that continuously adapts to their needs and skill level. We would recommend the SureStrike™ L.A.S.R. Range Kit to anyone looking for an effective dry fire training system.


Jen O’Hara & Norissa Harman

Girls with Guns® Clothing

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