Meet Marti! A Fun Q&A with TeamGWG’s Marti Stonecipher


Meet Marti Stonecipher – TeamGWG Ambassador, National Program Director for the TWAW Shooting Chapters, Mom, Hunter, Shooter, and so much more!

What is your favorite animal to hunt? Elk

What was your last indulgence? Taking a long drive through the AZ mountains, pure bliss!

What is the funniest thing that has happened you in the field? I had a squirrel crawl up my leg while trying to sit quietly against a tree as a Bull elk was coming in to our calls. All I could picture was it jumping on my shoulder and grabbing a hold of my ear, but there was no way I was going to move.

Three words to describe you? Passionate, Driven, Dedicated

When was the last time you sang out loud? What song? A few days ago, Fishin’ In the Dark

Favorite piece of GWG Gear? Carbine Pant

[/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Treestand or Stalk? Stalk 

Your best tip for a new hunter? Enjoy the hunt! It isn’t all about the harvest. With patience and dedication the harvest will come, in the mean time enjoy every aspect of just being in the great outdoors and what God created. 

If you could hunt with anyone, who would it be? I just want to continue to be able to hunt with my family for as long as possible, there is absolutely nothing like it.  

What was the last thing your child/husband/boyfriend/hunting buddy did to make you laugh? This is tough, I am blessed with being surrounded by lighthearted family, friends, and co-workers. Every day is something new. My son and I love to send eachother cheesy jokes. “Why do cows have hooves instead of feet? Because they Lactose!

Last time you freaked out? On my long commute to work having a truck heading in my direction cross into my lane. 

Pet Peeve? Entitlement

Greatest hunting moment of bliss? Watching my son have his first successful deer hunt, now it’s my daughters turn. 

Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, all or none?  Instagram – mstonecipher9

Last time you cringed? Looking at the photos of injuries in a Stop the Bleed course, if you haven’t taken this course find one in your area, it is so important.

Last time you watched the sunset? Last night, the Arizona sunsets are beautiful. I watch them regularly

Bow, Gun, or both?   Both

What do you love to do when you aren’t hunting? Really and truly anything I can do outdoors with my family. Firearms training, camping, hiking, archery, and ziplining to say a few

If you had a million dollars, what’s the first thing you would do? Take my husband on an incredible hunting trip (and pay off the bills) 

What charity do you love? TWAW Shooting Chapters

Favorite shade of lipstick or nail polish? Cherry

If you had one hour to live, how would you spend it? In the AZ mountains praying with my family.

Which is better – a nap or mani/pedi? Nap

What motto best describes you? Integrity is the essence of everything successful

You’re a girl with a gun – what gun is it? Ruger SR9c or Ruger American Rifle

Who taught you to hunt? My parents, my love of hunting began when I was growing up watching both of my parents  hunt and knowing I wanted to have that experience with them. I am blessed to still be making hunting memories with them, and now my children are hunting with all of us too. There is nothing like watching my parents and kids hunt together. 

Who was your favorite teacher and why? I have several and they are the 930 chapter leaders of TWAW Shooting Chapters, I have learned more from these ladies in the last 5 years than I could have ever imagined. I am inspired by them every single day. 

If fans want to reach you, where can they reach out to you? on Instagram

What’s one item on your bucket list? Red Stag hunt in New Zealand

Do you believe we need female role models for young girls in our industry? Absolutely! 

How do you train to be prepared for your season? It’s important to always be preparing whether that be for the hunt you want to happen or the self-defense situation that you pray never does. Anything we can do to prepare physically and mentally will help us in that moment when we need to act. I shoot whenever I can, eat well, work out (I really enjoy yoga), and always strive to remember that there is always room to learn more.  [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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